24 research outputs found

    Adaptive Learning and Mining for Data Streams and Frequent Patterns

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    Aquesta tesi està dedicada al disseny d'algorismes de mineria de dades per fluxos de dades que evolucionen en el temps i per l'extracció d'arbres freqüents tancats. Primer ens ocupem de cadascuna d'aquestes tasques per separat i, a continuació, ens ocupem d'elles conjuntament, desenvolupant mètodes de classificació de fluxos de dades que contenen elements que són arbres. En el model de flux de dades, les dades arriben a gran velocitat, i els algorismes que els han de processar tenen limitacions estrictes de temps i espai. En la primera part d'aquesta tesi proposem i mostrem un marc per desenvolupar algorismes que aprenen de forma adaptativa dels fluxos de dades que canvien en el temps. Els nostres mètodes es basen en l'ús de mòduls detectors de canvi i estimadors en els llocs correctes. Proposem ADWIN, un algorisme de finestra lliscant adaptativa, per la detecció de canvi i manteniment d'estadístiques actualitzades, i proposem utilitzar-lo com a caixa negra substituint els comptadors en algorismes inicialment no dissenyats per a dades que varien en el temps. Com ADWIN té garanties teòriques de funcionament, això obre la possibilitat d'ampliar aquestes garanties als algorismes d'aprenentatge i de mineria de dades que l'usin. Provem la nostre metodologia amb diversos mètodes d'aprenentatge com el Naïve Bayes, partició, arbres de decisió i conjunt de classificadors. Construïm un marc experimental per fer mineria amb fluxos de dades que varien en el temps, basat en el programari MOA, similar al programari WEKA, de manera que sigui fàcil pels investigadors de realitzar-hi proves experimentals. Els arbres són grafs acíclics connectats i són estudiats com vincles en molts casos. En la segona part d'aquesta tesi, descrivim un estudi formal dels arbres des del punt de vista de mineria de dades basada en tancats. A més, presentem algorismes eficients per fer tests de subarbres i per fer mineria d'arbres freqüents tancats ordenats i no ordenats. S'inclou una anàlisi de l'extracció de regles d'associació de confiança plena dels conjunts d'arbres tancats, on hem trobat un fenomen interessant: les regles que la seva contrapart proposicional és no trivial, són sempre certes en els arbres a causa de la seva peculiar combinatòria. I finalment, usant aquests resultats en fluxos de dades evolutius i la mineria d'arbres tancats freqüents, hem presentat algorismes d'alt rendiment per fer mineria d'arbres freqüents tancats de manera adaptativa en fluxos de dades que evolucionen en el temps. Introduïm una metodologia general per identificar patrons tancats en un flux de dades, utilitzant la Teoria de Reticles de Galois. Usant aquesta metodologia, desenvolupem un algorisme incremental, un basat en finestra lliscant, i finalment un que troba arbres freqüents tancats de manera adaptativa en fluxos de dades. Finalment usem aquests mètodes per a desenvolupar mètodes de classificació per a fluxos de dades d'arbres.This thesis is devoted to the design of data mining algorithms for evolving data streams and for the extraction of closed frequent trees. First, we deal with each of these tasks separately, and then we deal with them together, developing classification methods for data streams containing items that are trees. In the data stream model, data arrive at high speed, and the algorithms that must process them have very strict constraints of space and time. In the first part of this thesis we propose and illustrate a framework for developing algorithms that can adaptively learn from data streams that change over time. Our methods are based on using change detectors and estimator modules at the right places. We propose an adaptive sliding window algorithm ADWIN for detecting change and keeping updated statistics from a data stream, and use it as a black-box in place or counters or accumulators in algorithms initially not designed for drifting data. Since ADWIN has rigorous performance guarantees, this opens the possibility of extending such guarantees to learning and mining algorithms. We test our methodology with several learning methods as Naïve Bayes, clustering, decision trees and ensemble methods. We build an experimental framework for data stream mining with concept drift, based on the MOA framework, similar to WEKA, so that it will be easy for researchers to run experimental data stream benchmarks. Trees are connected acyclic graphs and they are studied as link-based structures in many cases. In the second part of this thesis, we describe a rather formal study of trees from the point of view of closure-based mining. Moreover, we present efficient algorithms for subtree testing and for mining ordered and unordered frequent closed trees. We include an analysis of the extraction of association rules of full confidence out of the closed sets of trees, and we have found there an interesting phenomenon: rules whose propositional counterpart is nontrivial are, however, always implicitly true in trees due to the peculiar combinatorics of the structures. And finally, using these results on evolving data streams mining and closed frequent tree mining, we present high performance algorithms for mining closed unlabeled rooted trees adaptively from data streams that change over time. We introduce a general methodology to identify closed patterns in a data stream, using Galois Lattice Theory. Using this methodology, we then develop an incremental one, a sliding-window based one, and finally one that mines closed trees adaptively from data streams. We use these methods to develop classification methods for tree data streams.Postprint (published version

    An efficient closed frequent itemset miner for the MOA stream mining system

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    Mining itemsets is a central task in data mining, both in the batch and the streaming paradigms. While robust, efficient, and well-tested implementations exist for batch mining, hardly any publicly available equivalent exists for the streaming scenario. The lack of an efficient, usable tool for the task hinders its use by practitioners and makes it difficult to assess new research in the area. To alleviate this situation, we review the algorithms described in the literature, and implement and evaluate the IncMine algorithm by Cheng, Ke, and Ng (2008) for mining frequent closed itemsets from data streams. Our implementation works on top of the MOA (Massive Online Analysis) stream mining framework to ease its use and integration with other stream mining tasks. We provide a PAC-style rigorous analysis of the quality of the output of IncMine as a function of its parameters; this type of analysis is rare in pattern mining algorithms. As a by-product, the analysis shows how one of the user-provided parameters in the original description can be removed entirely while retaining the performance guarantees. Finally, we experimentally confirm both on synthetic and real data the excellent performance of the algorithm, as reported in the original paper, and its ability to handle concept drift.Postprint (published version

    Adaptive parameter-free learning from evolving data streams

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    We propose and illustrate a method for developing algorithms that can adaptively learn from data streams that change over time. As an example, we take Hoeffding Tree, an incremental decision tree inducer for data streams, and use as a basis it to build two new methods that can deal with distribution and concept drift: a sliding window-based algorithm, Hoeffding Window Tree, and an adaptive method, Hoeffding Adaptive Tree. Our methods are based on using change detectors and estimator modules at the right places; we choose implementations with theoretical guarantees in order to extend such guarantees to the resulting adaptive learning algorithm. A main advantage of our methods is that they require no guess about how fast or how often the stream will change; other methods typically have several user-defined parameters to this effect. In our experiments, the new methods never do worse, and in some cases do much better, than CVFDT, a well-known method for tree induction on data streams with drift.Postprint (published version

    Data stream classification using random feature functions and novel method combinations

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    Big Data streams are being generated in a faster, bigger, and more commonplace. In this scenario, Hoeffding Trees are an established method for classification. Several extensions exist, including high performing ensemble setups such as online and leveraging bagging. Also, k-nearest neighbors is a popular choice, with most extensions dealing with the inherent performance limitations over a potentially-infinite stream. At the same time, gradient descent methods are becoming increasingly popular, owing in part to the successes of deep learning. Although deep neural networks can learn incrementally, they have so far proved too sensitive to hyper-parameter options and initial conditions to be considered an effective 'off -the-shelf' data-streams solution. In this work, we look at combinations of Hoeffding-trees, nearest neighbor, and gradient descent methods with a streaming preprocessing approach in the form of a random feature functions filter for additional predictive power. We further extend the investigation to implementing methods on GPUs, which we test on some large real-world datasets, and show the benefits of using GPUs for data-stream learning due to their high scalability. Our empirical evaluation yields positive results for the novel approaches that we experiment with, highlighting important issues, and shed light on promising future directions in approaches to data-stream classification. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mining frequent closed rooted trees

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    Many knowledge representation mechanisms are based on tree-like structures, thus symbolizing the fact that certain pieces of information are related in one sense or another. There exists a well-studied process of closure-based data mining in the itemset framework: we consider the extension of this process into trees. We focus mostly on the case where labels on the nodes are nonexistent or unreliable, and discuss algorithms for closurebased mining that only rely on the root of the tree and the link structure. We provide a notion of intersection that leads to a deeper understanding of the notion of support-based closure, in terms of an actual closure operator. We describe combinatorial characterizations and some properties of ordered trees, discuss their applicability to unordered trees, and rely on them to design efficient algorithms for mining frequent closed subtrees both in the ordered and the unordered settings. Empirical validations and comparisons with alternative algorithms are provided.Postprint (author’s final draft

    A streaming flow-based technique for traffic classification applied to 12 + 1 years of Internet traffic

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    The continuous evolution of Internet traffic and its applications makes the classification of network traffic a topic far from being completely solved. An essential problem in this field is that most of proposed techniques in the literature are based on a static view of the network traffic (i.e., they build a model or a set of patterns from a static, invariable dataset). However, very little work has addressed the practical limitations that arise when facing a more realistic scenario with an infinite, continuously evolving stream of network traffic flows. In this paper, we propose a streaming flow-based classification solution based on Hoeffding Adaptive Tree, a machine learning technique specifically designed for evolving data streams. The main novelty of our proposal is that it is able to automatically adapt to the continuous evolution of the network traffic without storing any traffic data. We apply our solution to a 12 + 1 year-long dataset from a transit link in Japan, and show that it can sustain a very high accuracy over the years, with significantly less cost and complexity than existing alternatives based on static learning algorithms, such as C4.5.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Low-latency multi-threaded ensemble learning for dynamic big data streams

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Real–time mining of evolving data streams involves new challenges when targeting today’s application domains such as the Internet of the Things: increasing volume, velocity and volatility requires data to be processed on–the–fly with fast reaction and adaptation to changes. This paper presents a high performance scalable design for decision trees and ensemble combinations that makes use of the vector SIMD and multicore capabilities available in modern processors to provide the required throughput and accuracy. The proposed design offers very low latency and good scalability with the number of cores on commodity hardware when compared to other state–of–the art implementations. On an Intel i7-based system, processing a single decision tree is 6x faster than MOA (Java), and 7x faster than StreamDM (C++), two well- known reference implementations. On the same system, the use of the 6 cores (and 12 hardware threads) available allow to process an ensemble of 100 learners 85x faster that MOA while providing the same accuracy. Furthermore, our solution is highly scalable: on an Intel Xeon socket with large core counts, the proposed ensemble design achieves up to 16x speed-up when employing 24 cores with respect to a single threaded execution.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through TIN2015-65316-P project, by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2014-SGR-1051), by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya through an FPI/UPC scholarship and by NVIDIA through the UPC/BSC GPU Center of Excellence.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Adaptive parameter-free learning from evolving data streams

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    We propose and illustrate a method for developing algorithms that can adaptively learn from data streams that change over time. As an example, we take Hoeffding Tree, an incremental decision tree inducer for data streams, and use as a basis it to build two new methods that can deal with distribution and concept drift: a sliding window-based algorithm, Hoeffding Window Tree, and an adaptive method, Hoeffding Adaptive Tree. Our methods are based on using change detectors and estimator modules at the right places; we choose implementations with theoretical guarantees in order to extend such guarantees to the resulting adaptive learning algorithm. A main advantage of our methods is that they require no guess about how fast or how often the stream will change; other methods typically have several user-defined parameters to this effect. In our experiments, the new methods never do worse, and in some cases do much better, than CVFDT, a well-known method for tree induction on data streams with drift

    Adaptive parameter-free learning from evolving data streams

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    We propose and illustrate a method for developing algorithms that can adaptively learn from data streams that change over time. As an example, we take Hoeffding Tree, an incremental decision tree inducer for data streams, and use as a basis it to build two new methods that can deal with distribution and concept drift: a sliding window-based algorithm, Hoeffding Window Tree, and an adaptive method, Hoeffding Adaptive Tree. Our methods are based on using change detectors and estimator modules at the right places; we choose implementations with theoretical guarantees in order to extend such guarantees to the resulting adaptive learning algorithm. A main advantage of our methods is that they require no guess about how fast or how often the stream will change; other methods typically have several user-defined parameters to this effect. In our experiments, the new methods never do worse, and in some cases do much better, than CVFDT, a well-known method for tree induction on data streams with drift

    An efficient closed frequent itemset miner for the MOA stream mining system

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    Mining itemsets is a central task in data mining, both in the batch and the streaming paradigms. While robust, efficient, and well-tested implementations exist for batch mining, hardly any publicly available equivalent exists for the streaming scenario. The lack of an efficient, usable tool for the task hinders its use by practitioners and makes it difficult to assess new research in the area. To alleviate this situation, we review the algorithms described in the literature, and implement and evaluate the IncMine algorithm by Cheng, Ke and Ng [J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 31(3) (2008), 191–215] for mining frequent closed itemsets from data streams. Our implementation works on top of the MOA (Massive Online Analysis) stream mining framework to ease its use and integration with other stream mining tasks. We provide a PAC-style rigorous analysis of the quality of the output of IncMine as a function of its parameters; this type of analysis is rare in pattern mining algorithms. As a by-product, the analysis shows how one of the user-provided parameters in the original description can be removed entirely while retaining the performance guarantees. Finally, we experimentally confirm both on synthetic and real data the excellent performance of the algorithm, as reported in the original paper, and its ability to handle concept drift.Peer Reviewe